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Virginia Beach Adult Gymnastics Club is an adult gymnastics team for anyone age 18+. We encourage all gymnasts, young or old, beginner or experienced, and all genders to join us for practice! Our goal is to provide opportunities for adults to participate and compete in gymnastics. We are the only non-collegiate gymnastics team in the Hampton Roads area! We have both men’s and women’s equipment available to practice on, and we practice once a week on Sunday evenings. There are no try-outs or attendance commitments required. If you are interested in joining our team, please contact us to let us know which day you will be coming in so we can keep an eye out for you and give you a warm welcome! We start by stretching and warming up together, doing some drills, then we break for our open gym format practice. Here is our practice schedule. Keep in mind that while we do not have a formal coach, many of us are former gymnasts and coaches and we are all very helpful to one another in giving tips and feedback!

We encourage a fun, low-pressure, supportive team environment. Competitions are always optional, but we offer that opportunity to anyone interested.

Our team is an adult community club that is part of the National Association of Intercollegiate Gymnastics Clubs (NAIGC). The motto of NAIGC is “for the love of the sport”. This means that we do gymnastics purely for the love of it, regardless of our current skill level, our past skill level, our gender, our age, etc. NAIGC offers various competition levels for both men’s and women’s events, meaning that there’s something for everyone. Our goal is to welcome team members who were ex-level 10 gymnasts, as well as team members who may have only dabbled in recreational gymnastics as a kid, and everyone in between. We foster a non-judgmental and supportive team environment during practices. Please see the Competitions page for more information.
